


So it's Wednesday afternoon and i am quite bored with work. So i have decided to set up this blog thing, not that great at writing so excuse the spelling and grammar mistakes.

so about me.

My name is Bradley Singer
I am 20 years old (21 on 19th November)
i live at home with my mum and dad.
my older sister she has moved out and lives with her flat mate who she met at college.
my younger sister who is at uni doesn't live at home because she is renting at uni.

so when i go home its just me mum and dad, life's great.

my girlfriend is also at uni so i don't see her that much which is a great shame as we get on so well.

i love all my Friends but they all seem to be going traveling which leaves me with no Friends :(

anyway need to get back to work

love you all
B x